Architect, urban planner, audiovisual director, art director, visual poet, multimedia artist, stage designer, videomaker, 2D frame-by-frame animator, motion designer, graphic designer and researcher in visual poetics.
eco NFT Artist at HicEtNunc
Professional Qualification
︎ Arquitect and Urban Planner, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), 2017
︎ Masters Degree in Visual Poetics, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGAV/UFRGS), 2021  

Complementary Qualification
︎ Stage Design (Fernando Marés, Theatro São Pedro, 2015)
︎ 2D Animation AnimaEdu (Otto Desenhos Animados, 2015) 
︎ Art Direction for Animation (Eloar Guazzelli, Galeria Hipotética, 2016)
︎ Art Direction for Animation (Tom Bernardes, HYPEStudio, 2017)
︎ Art Direction, Stage Design and Cenotechnics (Vera Hamburger, TECNA, 2020)
︎ Art Direction Fronteiras Permeáveis: A Imagem da Casa (Vera Hamburguer, InBOX Cultural, 2020)
︎  Everything But The Art: The Business of Creativity (Full Scholarship, Gray Area, 2021).

︎  Nominated for the Açorianos Art Prize (2021)
︎  Selected by the AADK Spain Artistic residencies Program December-ay 2021/2022.
︎ FUNARTE RespirArte por Esplanada  (2020)
︎ FUMPROARTE Porto Alegre Em Cena por Sem Título (2020)
︎ POA Lab Aldir Blanc Trajetórias Culturais em Artes Visuais (2020)
︎ Festival do Minuto:
Honorable Mention Best Minutes for Pomodoro Carrousel (2018),
Best Video in the Gravity Law category for Pomodoro Carrousel (2018),
Best Animation Video August 2018 for Pomodoro Carrousel (2018),
Whole of the Work: Animation (2018).

︎ Script, animation director, art director for the work-in-progess animated short film Esqueleto, funded by PróCultura-RS/FAC (2019)
︎ Assistant Director for the documentary short film Pela UFRGS, Dir. Eber Marzulo, Panda Filmes, 2016
︎ Assistant Animator for the animation feature film Até Que a Sbórnia nos Separe,  Dir. Otto Guerra, Otto Desenhos Animados, 2014
︎ Animation and final art for the animation short film Castillo y El Armado,  Dir. Pedro Harres, Otto Desenhos Animados, 2014

︎ Stage Motion Design for the opening of 10º FestiPoa Literária with Vitor Ramil, Art Director Eloar Guazzelli, Theatro São Pedro, 2017
︎ Art Direction for Elã, Auditorium Tasso Corrêa, IA/UFRGS, 2018
︎ Art Directioon for Stasis, Celeuma, Sala Álvaro Moreyra, 2018
︎ Art Direction for Som no Salão, Trabalhos Espaciais Manuais, Salão de Atos da UFRGS, 2018
︎ Art Direction for Thays Prado, Sala Álvaro Moreyra, 2018
︎ Art Direction forSom no Salão, Alpargatos, Salão de Atos da UFRGS, 2019
︎ Art Direction and Stage Design for Satélites videoclip, by Clarissa Ferreira, Estúdio NaPedraRedonda, 2020
︎ Stage Design for Endgame,  Dir. Leonardo Jorgelewicz, DAD/UFRGS, Teatro de Arena, 2015
︎ Stage Design for Capital,  dir. Desirée Pessoa, NEELIC, Usina do Gasômetro, 2015
︎ Stage Design for O Homem no Corredor,  Dir. Desirée Pessoa, NEELIC, Usina do Gasômetro, 2015

︎ Tem Arte no Meio do Caminho?, Pinacoteca Barão de Santo Ângelo, curadoria de Adriana Boff, 2021
︎ Esplanada , Individual Virtual Exhibition funded by the Edital FAC Digital RS, 2020
︎ CRISIS  Collective Virtual Exhibition, curated by Corpórea.Ar, 2020
︎ Expography and Participation in A Fala da Falha, Sala Augusto Meyer, Casa de Cultura Mario Quintana, curator Marilice Corona, 2019
︎ Projection Mapping for Final de Ano Cultural Ksa Rosa, org. Arq. Marina Goulart, TCC, 2017
︎ Participation in Rizoma - Mostra Nômade de Arte Multimídia, org. CATACLISMA, Casarão 2, Pelotas, 2017
︎ Projection Mapping  Horizonte à Venda, Cópula da Casa de Cultura, Casa de Cultura Mario Quintana, curadoria Leonardo Remor, 2013

Ephemeral Architecture
︎ Project and execution of modular cinema screen structural system for urban screenings Esqueleto, Pró-Cultura/RS FAC, 2019
︎ Project and execution of site-specific intervention with projection mapping for the XXI Brazilian Architecture Congress, Mo(nu)mento, 2019

︎ Masters Research entitled Public Situations: Project and Projection, funded by CAPES
︎ Chapter published in the XII Bienal International Seminar Against the Canon Art, Feminism(s) and Activisms XVII-XXI Centuries (2020)
︎ Member of Identity and Territory Research Group (GPIT-PROPUR/UFRGS)
︎ Member of Art Vehicles Research Group (PPGAV/UFRGS)

︎ Graphic Design and Illustration for MultiVersos Explícitos, 2018

Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere, TVPaint, AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit, Lumion, Cinema 4D, ResolumeArena, QuantumGIS, GoogleEarthPro, GoogleStudio and traditional medias.

︎ Portuguese (native language), English (fluent, TOEFL iBT100), Spanish (fluent), French (instrumental), Gemran (instrumental), Latin (instrumental)

    Porto Alegre, Brasil.